Share Your Wisdom, Build Your Own Learning Platform

We’re so excited to be launching the Learning Platform Template — allowing you to quickly build an amazing online learning platform.

Oct 7, 2024
Share Your Wisdom, Build Your Own Learning Platform
In today’s world, knowledge is cheap. It’s understanding, experience, and engagement with information that’s truly valuable.

From Knowing to Understanding

Ever since “Googling” became a verb, whether or not you know a fact-based answer has become far less important to the working world. Unimaginable amounts of information have been distributed across the globe, enabling anyone with an internet connection to “know” whatever they’d like.
What’s increasingly harder to find are individuals with a self-driven motivation to learn and understand a given subject. It’s an investment, that’s for sure. In our #instastory-crazed, tweet-filled culture, it’s difficult to break through the noise to capture and hold someone’s attention so they may truly learn and be equipped to use new tools.
But, it’s a worthy challenge because society cannot afford to settle for quick facts at the expense of the pursuit of usable skills.

The Rise of MOOCs

The great news is the same technology providing everyone easy access to knowledge is also being used to enable learning on a scale never before seen. As Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have gained traction over the past decade, millions have enrolled in top-tier university classes and practical training to learn the skills they need to get the job done.
Of course, these online lessons are not the same thing as in-person training. But, for every possible weakness of such platforms, there are dozens of benefits.

From 25 to 25k

Passionate instructors who previously were confined to share their wisdom with a limited amount of students each course, can now teach, challenge, and guide thousands of students at once.
Online learning platforms are daily providing people from around the world the opportunity to grow personally and increase their contribution to society, thanks to their commitment to learning and access these sites.

Learning + Engaging = Mastering

Of course, not all MOOCs are created equal. These platforms enable both information exchange and a community of “do-ers”, such as Udemy, Coursera, Udacity, and edX, who can build loyal users who finish courses and come back for more.
As we said, when the whole world is trying to capture your potential student’s attention, you must have a platform in place capable of showing progress, delivering knowledge, and generating peer support.
Again, the goal is not to put more facts (that could have been Googled anyway) into your student’s brain. No, we’re encouraging that student to understand, experience, and engage with the content throughout the learning process. This incites action, simultaneously benefiting society and building your organization’s brand.

Build Your Own Learning Platform Without Code!

For all these reasons and more, we are calling on you — the teachers of tomorrow — to keep sharing. And, we really wanted to help you do this! That’s why we’re so excited to be launching the Learning Platform Template — allowing you to quickly build an amazing online learning platform.
This responsive platform allows any user to sell their course and get paid automatically. Features include credit card and PayPal payment integrations. Platform owners can set any commission rate they would like on-course sales and the template comes with an admin dashboard to manage global settings.
Learning Platform Template will be of great help to anyone building an education platform, displaying their work, distributing their video blogs, or hosting regular webinars. There is a one-time purchase fee, then you can use this template for as many projects as you would like.
We hope you’re ready to start building! You can buy the template here!