Interview With Tara Reed, Founder of Apps Without Code

Interview with Tara Reed, founder of Apps Without Code, about no-code industry trends, company updates, and entrepreneurial advice

Oct 8, 2024
Interview With Tara Reed, Founder of Apps Without Code

💼 Business Questions

Can you describe what it is about the no-code industry that you like?

I’m most excited about the way no-code allows everyday people to build solutions for non-sexy industries. To me, that’s the sweet spot of no code's magic. I love seeing my students build apps for farmers, apps for the pharmaceutical industry, apps for teachers. To me, that’s the good stuff!

Can you describe your company/platform in the length of a tweet? (140 characters)

'Apps Without Code' is an online school teaching people how to build their own profitable app businesses without writing any code.

Can you share any exciting updates or developments that are planned for Apps Without Codes in the next 12 months?

Yes! There are a lot of fun projects that we have in the works right now! No Code pitch competitions for a cash prize, No Code speed networking.
Also, there may be a No Code reality show coming soon…but you’ll have to join our newsletter to hear about it first. 😄

What do you believe will be the biggest trend in no-code in the next 5 years?

As I mentioned earlier, I’m most excited about the way no-code allows everyday people to build solutions for non-sexy industries. To me, that’s the sweet spot of no code's magic. I love seeing my students build apps for farmers, apps for the pharmaceutical industry, apps for teachers. To me, that’s the good stuff!

Any advice for non-technical entrepreneurs with an idea for an online business who are put off by limited technical skills?

Don’t be. Our school was built for the underdogs…those of us who aren’t computer geniuses or don’t look like the stereotypical app entrepreneur: women, people of color, LGBTQ, and those of us who didn’t get a computer science degree in college. Our non-tech entrepreneurial community is strong, proud, and growing each day we welcome anyone.

🧔 Personal Questions

Did you always know that you wanted to be an entrepreneur?

Nope! I grew up thinking I was going to be a lawyer. But I always loved logic, which I get to use every day as a no-code builder & educator.

What are some of the obstacles you have faced growing your company and how did you overcome them?

Profit has been the biggest obstacle! For my first few years of entrepreneurship, I was caught up in the Silicon Valley narrative where you value:
  • TechCrunch press
  • Speaking engagements
  • Fundraising
  • Founder ego
...overrunning financially healthy biz.
I spent my first 4 years of entrepreneurship immersed in this mindset. But in 2018 things changed.
  • I read “Profit First” by Mike Michalowicz
  • Turned down investors
  • Stopped taking speaking engagements
... and got serious about Apps Without Code’s financial independence. During this time Apps Without Code also completely abandoned any “brand strategy” we had! Ryan Deiss has a great list of startup commandments. The first one is “Thou shalt build revenue FIRST, and brand SECOND.
In 2018 that’s what we decided to do. It was a risky decision but 2 years later our company financials are super healthy. We have a $5M annual run rare & a 34% profit margin. But we gave up some things in order to get there. During the 2 years we were gone, the #NoCode Movement we helped start really took off, & I think we missed the chance to be a #1 front runner in that movement.
But we also gained things. We gained the ability to be one of the most financially healthy companies in the #NoCode space. And now we’re stable enough to revisit the brand!

What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?

“If you’re not embarrassed of the first version of your product, then you launched too late” - a quote by Reid Hoffman (founder of LinkedIn)

🤪 Fun Questions - Quickfire

12 start-ups in 12 months vs 1 start-up in 1 year?

1 Startup in 1 year

Investment vs bootstrapping?


Zoom vs Google meets?


Design vs Development?


Ideation stage vs Development stage?

Development stage
💡 To learn more about Apps Without Code, you can visit here. If you would like to get in touch with Tara, visit her on LinkedIn or you can follow her on Twitter.