Interview With Levon Terteryan, Co-Founder at Zeroqode

Interview with Levon Terteryan on Zeroqode, no-code industry trends, company growth, and advice for entrepreneurs. Insights and future developments

Oct 8, 2024
Interview With Levon Terteryan, Co-Founder at Zeroqode

Business Questions

Can you describe what it is about the no-code industry that you like?

The speed and ease of bringing ideas to life. Before Zeroqode and no-code, I spent 1.5 years and $50K to get a simple meditation app built. These days, when we occasionally have an epiphany for a product idea we get it to market in 1-3 weeks 😊 That allows testing the idea prior to dedicating more time and resources to it.

Can you describe your company/platform in the length of a tweet? (140 characters)

Zeroqode is a suit of no-code tools that include everything that’s needed to build a no-code product.

Can you share any exciting updates or developments that are planned for Zeroqode in the next 12 months?

Bubble is expected to roll out the new design for their editor any time soon now, right after that we will be working to update most of our courses at Zeroqode Lab. At the same time, we continue building new great templates and improve our existing top-selling ones.

What do you believe will be the biggest trend in no-code in the next 5 years?

I think most VCs will hop on the no-code train and will be expecting startups to use the technology where it’s applicable because it’s a more efficient use of investor money. Same with accelerators and incubators. Most of the existing web development agencies will follow suit responding to the trend. Many companies will create in-house digital innovation departments because it’s becoming more and more affordable and feasible.

Any advice for non-technical entrepreneurs with an idea for an online business who are put off by limited technical skills?

Be daring in following your inner callings.

Personal Questions

What are some of the obstacles you have faced growing your company and how did you overcome them?

I started Zeroqode soon after my twins were born, so my main challenge was to find the right work/family balance. I was lucky to meet my co-founder Vlad early in the day, he took a big load off my shoulders. He’s a great guy with many talents and I feel we complement each other really well.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?

The most important component of any company is its people and culture.

Fun Questions - Quickfire

12 start-ups in 12 months vs 1 start-up in 1 year?

12 startups in 12 months when you are experimenting and trying to find a successful idea. Once you found one - focus all your energy on it.

Investment vs bootstrapping?

Bootstrapping as long as it’s reasonable and makes sense. We started Zeroqode in Moldova - an Eastern European country where the costs are much lower - so we managed to bootstrap the company to a team of 40 without any outside investment.

Zoom vs Google meets?

I prefer Zoom for a predictable connection quality.

Design vs Development?

I'm more of an algorithms guy so that part comes easier for me, but I think I have a good eye for design, so I love to collaborate with great designers to create something really beautiful. Check our templates, for example, our main page or our conference page and you’ll know what I mean 😊

Ideation stage vs Development stage?

I like the action and agile approach, and lack patience sometimes, so once the main idea is formed and decisions are made I prefer to start working on it as soon as possible.
To learn more about Zeroqode, you can visit here. If you would like to get in touch with Levon, visit him on LinkedIn or you can follow him on Twitter.